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We’d love your views and advice on this big question

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"When it comes to choosing a high-tech communication device for yourself, a client or family member,
what is the single biggest challenge or problem you are struggling with?

(Please write as much as you like with as much detail as you like).

There are three ways to respond.

  1. We have a response form at this link
  2. If you'd like to head to the Facebook post here and then reply through Messenger, that would be great.
  3. If you'd prefer to send an email here is a link for email. 

Using option 1, the link to the form helps us gather the responses in one place, and you can remain anonymous if you prefer,
but please choose your preferred method because we'd love to hear your advice.

This information is being collected by Zyteq and will remain confidential. Your views will help us serve you better.
Thank you for your help!

If you need more help please contact us.

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