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Smart Living with Grid Pads: Infra-Red, Z-wave and Smart Speakers

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Big Grid Week 2023: Webinar 2 (Free!)

Friday October 6th 10:00AM – 11:00AM AEDT

All times are in Australian Eastern Daylight Saving Time.

Day to day living may mean getting the vacuuming done, relaxing with an audio book, watching some TV and messaging friends. Join us to meet an English woman, who achieves all this and more, from her Grid Pad 12 with eye gaze, using Alexa and Infra-Red. Environment Control using Infra-Red and Z-wave is built into Grid Pads, but adding voice control with voice assistants opens more doors!

Register at this link. 

Can't make this time, but still want access?

Please go ahead and register and recordings will be available for a limited time for registrants.

Emma Haines and Nick Ward are visiting Australia from Smartbox head office in Malvern, England. With extensive experience spanning decades within Smartbox, they possess not only a deep understanding of the company's products but also a global perspective on their practical use and integration. They bring with them Smartbox's committment to innovation, delivering the best possible products and care and supporting the wider world of AAC. We are looking forward to a wonderful exchange of insights and knowledge that goes well beyond the scope of user manuals and online resources.


If you need more help please contact us.

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